Everyone's optimism on here is contagious! Thank you thank you thank you! I am so glad I found this group!
And I don't care what date he proposes as long as it's NOT Valentine's Day but is SOON!!!! haha
Thank you all again!!!!
Everyone's optimism on here is contagious! Thank you thank you thank you! I am so glad I found this group!
And I don't care what date he proposes as long as it's NOT Valentine's Day but is SOON!!!! haha
Thank you all again!!!!
P.S. Rachael....I bet you have met many people with it...you just don't know it.
Rachael said:
I am so happy for you, congratulations! Be sure to thank that support group because you are so lucky. I have yet to meet anyone in person who has PSA. So your mother and a friend must be a blessing! A little one on top of that a true blessing!
LOL, Pastorsgirl, we aren’t all optimistic all the time. We do our best, but we’re all human, and despite our best efforts we have our mistakes, scraps and scrapes.
Rachael, PG is right. You HAVE met people with PsA. Thing is, they are like the rest of us: we don’t talk about it, cuz most people wouldn’t understand. And they’re afraid that if they did talk about it, they would get the stuff about turnip extract and coconut oil massages and planting golden beets under the full moon in the west corner of the garden! I did have a nice experience the other day though: I was talking to one of the trainers at the fitness club, and thought I would tell her why I can hardly make my way from the changeroom to the pool. And then when I jump in I swim like a fish. I’m sure she has scratched her head about that. Her mouth fell open and she said “Did you say Psoriatic Arthritis? My brother has that, and he wants to quit work but if he does, he won’t be able to afford his $1800 a month drugs. It is awful. It is hell. I am so sorry.” She gave me a hug. She gets it. And funny thing … the staff at the club are REALLY friendly and nice to now. LOL
OK, PG, I’ll just hope for SOON!
Not me, PG! I was sixty years old when I was diagnosed, after an estimated twenty years of disease and a great deal of damage. I am on Enbrel now, and feeling very well. At my age, the decision was easy!
The decision about taking any medication during pregnancy is a very serious one that only you can make in consultation with your doctors, your family, and your personal and moral support network. Funny that you should ask this question just now, because right at the moment we are working on an informational piece about Pregnancy and Breastfeeding. It will be up sometime next week.
Meanwhile, maybe you could do a little research yourself on the use of biologic response modifiers (that’s what Enbrel is) in pregnancy.
Oh I'm so sorry you had to deal with this for so long without treatment! My mother was diagnosed at 30 but treatment isn't what it is today. She is now 61 and doing much better than she was 30 years ago. I remember watching her hardly being able to walk, having to sit on the stairs and scoot down them on her behind, never be able to sit on the floor.....now I can hardly keep up with her. She takes Methatrexate.....but that I definitely will not take right now. I'm so glad you've finally gotten a diagnosis and good treatment.
As for having a good rhuemie, I'm actually thinking of switching. She's not very compassionate. I was crying in her office the other day and she seemed very irritated. Everything she ordered for me was because I suggested it because people I know with PsA suggested it. I'm convinced that the first drug she wanted me on was because she wanted me in a study. The lady from my church I told you all about that I had lunch with the other day loves her rhuemie, and I'm thinking I'm gonna switch to him. He's in the same group as mine so won't have to worry about transferring records or anything. She says he's so kind and focuses a lot an lifestyle changes too, which I want. I don't want to only rely on meds.
Well, yes, I was a long time undiagnosed, but there were some extreme factors contributing to that: an insanely high pain tolerance, no obvious psoriasis, nothing remarkable about my CRP or ESR (happens in 50% of us), refusal to give up or give in ... amazing what you can live with when you are like that, and amazing the damage that can be done if you are. It was erosions in my feet that provided the final clue to diagnosing the twenty years of complaints that my doctor had written off to the usual suspects. Like your Mom (and many others with this dastardly disease) I now feel better than I have for decades because of treatment options that didn't exist until fairly recently. Even the use of mtx is a new-ish addition to the PsA arsenal, I believe.
It sounds to me as if you might be happier with the other rheumatologist. And getting another's take on the Enbrel during pregnancy question could only be a good thing. In any case, your relationship with your rheumatologist is going to be a long one, so it may as well be a good one.
Take care, Pastorsgirl!
Regarding pregnancy, you will have to make your own decision. Studies seem to support that it is a reasonable option if the biologic is working for you. I know a few women who have used Enbrel and Humira when pregnant and breastfeeding with no concern.
As with any medication, you and your doctor will have to consider the risks vs. the benefits. Personally, I would choose to continue on the biologic if I were planning a pregnancy, and would definitely use it while breastfeeding. You already know that some medications, such as MTX, are absolutely incompatible with pregnancy and breastfeeding. I happened to luck out, and had already had both of my children before diagnosis.
PastorsGirl said:
I do truly have an amazing support system. When I am down, I try to remind myself of that. Just today I had lunch with a woman who goes to my church who is probably 35-40 years older than me and has suffered from the same thing. What a wonderful and inspiring time it was talking to her. And now I have all of you!
And my mama raised me to make lists....so I am a fantastic list maker!!!! haha
The appointment today went well. We have decided on Enbrel. We will have to wait for preauthorization from insurance but as long as that goes through I'm hopeful it will be helpful. The dr. said it is safe before and during pregnancy. I have heard conflicting things about this so will look into myself also. I will also be starting physical therapy and seeing a podiatrist.
I have actually asked NOT to be proposed to on Saturday haha. My ex-husband proposed to me on Valentine's Day so I'd rather we have our own day :) I will certainly let you all know when it happens.
Thank you for being so kind and supportive. It means so much.