The podiatrist is thinking part of my feet pain is from diabetic neuropathy so he thinks no matter which one is causing the pain that Lyrica will help. I would like more feedback on Lyrica is anyone has any.
tntlamb said:
Tehawk, be sure and check out the lyrica with your Rheumy... Its an unusual drug to use with Humira. Its a drug for nerve stuff not inflsmation. Its been known to cause arthalgia (non inflammatory joint pain) when used with Humira. I'm not saying there isn't a reason to be using a fibromyalgia drug, but not usually from a podiatrist....... Inflammation is your rheumys job.
I have a lot of trouble walking because my PsA has moved into my toes, knees and hips. I am not on any meds since I am pregnant. Just a lot of yoga, tea, and eating as healthy as possible so that I don’t gain too much. . Just take it one day at a time and track your symptoms…what makes them worse and what makes them better. Good luck!
Oh btw…I’m a full time teacher…so I’m not working now but when the school year starts I’m on my feet all day. Just really supportive shoes and an awesome rolling chair lol!
Cannot take Lyrica, it makes my feet and ankles swell worse than they ever have. Made me very very miserable. Just thought I would send an update on the Lyrica.
tntlamb said:
Ahh, I get it - diabetic neuropathy DUH. Just track it arthalgia is still a possibility.