Mobility Issues

I have not been around much but wanted to chime in. I have a scooter and I love it. When I have bad days I hook it up to the car and off we go. I am a mom with three children, 23, 19, 15 and I want to enjoy life. Yes it hard to accept that you need one but the alternative is not what I wish.

Keep up with you PT exercises, exercise, etc. but looking at ways to help ones QOL is something that also needs to be done. Good luck in finding what is best for you.

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Tenerife! Lovely ā€¦ except that it was chilly? Are you serious?

Yup, thatā€™s what it boils down to. Get wheels or stay home.
Nice to hear from you again, Rebel!

Not really me: the LNER renumbering scheme of 1946 is a family joke. I live (and travel) with a British railway history nerd. Comments from me about that scheme (when they come from me) are a not-so-gentle tease!

Somehow I knew that you wouldnā€™t be able to resist looking that up.

Jupā€¦ it was 22Ā°C here todayā€¦ it was max 20Ā°C in Tenerifeā€¦ thereā€™s no rain here eitherā€¦

OMG Sybil, no, no, no, no, no, no and an emphatic NO! Just thinking of you lifting that heavy bag of compostā€“OMG Iā€™m cringing! Well, maybe it wasnā€™t heavyā€“you said large. Donā€™t take the chanceā€“you never know how much damage your back has until it reaches its ā€œbreaking pointā€ā€“and then itā€™s sort of too late!

Do you think itā€™s not a good idea then?


Just looking out for you LOL!

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Iā€™m glad you still have a sense of humour!! :wink:

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