Goodbye Humira, hello

I think your rheumy is brilliant! He’s managed to ensure you can get the med he thinks will help you. Nowt confusing about that. At all.

It appears it’s only insurers who need labels. Us lot simply need the meds our rheumys think would be best for us. Now let’s hope this one likes you and works really well for you.

@Poo_therapy i have been very fortunate with this blood hound and feel safe with his entire practice. He is one off the most sought after yet has time to treat each patient like they are most important. My confusion lies in the labels etc and not having a medical background leaves me parroting what I hear while lacking understanding. But trust goes a long way and you are right…he knows the system and makes it work for the patient. I’ll post as it unfolds with Rinvoq.


Never fret the semantics! (is that the right word?) Let the insurers do that instead.