Beating the Tough Roads!

It’s not just a battle between two men. It’s about overcoming the struggle between him and psoriatic arthritis. It’s about him and other people’s cause. It’s all about his life – his courage to beat the tough roads and win over three diseases that have crippled him for many years. On September 9, George Amigdalos at 41 is ready to take the challenge with brave and strong limbs!

Amigdalos was diagnosed with three diseases; one of them is psoriatic arthritis. Since his diagnosis and after he had undergone a major thoracic surgery, Amigdalos’ health really declined. It took him one and a half years to recover.

For the trip of a lifetime, Amigdalos rides twice a week and is on the treadmill, and does upper body work twice a week as well. He expects the ride to take six to seven hours.

Watch Amigdalos video here:

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good luck to him on his journeyx He has used fasting and diet restriction , grain, dairy and only uses fish as protein source,presumably finding the arachidonic acid in red meat too inlammatory. I manage to eat fish and seafood a lot, especially getting into mussels and clams etc as they are the best for omega 3 if well sourced. I eat red meat and use a lot of cultured dairy products, but prefer the lower carb options of cream to milk, as it suppresses the gut bacteria which are produced from digesting carbs more effectively.